Lookal, a new tool for our clients

Lookal, a new tool for our clients

In large cities, 10% of hospitality business owners find themselves looking to buy or transfer their venue. This process can be complicated, costly, and slow, as it involves several steps ranging from personal searches or working with a real estate agent to obtaining licenses, making renovations, or arranging basic services like electricity or alarm systems.


Lookal was born thanks to LAB1876 Talent

This initiative, born from the first edition of LAB1876 Talent as an idea by Jordi Andres, Sergio Barriopedro, and Jorge Fernández-Cid, is specifically designed for hospitality business owners to buy, sell, and rent venues exclusively dedicated to hospitality.

Lookal has internal information about venues through the census and external information through reports produced by the company itself. These reports include data on location, condition, price, profitability, competition, target audience, and market trends. This way, Lookal can offer hospitality business owners venues that meet their needs and expectations and have the potential for success.

This comprehensive solution is supported by a network of alliances that allows Lookal to offer a range of services to hospitality business owners. These include the processing of licenses and necessary renovations to adapt the venue, facilitating contact with real estate agents to speed up the search and transfer process, or even arranging essential services such as electricity or alarm systems under advantageous conditions.